4 week
Project delivery
Total annual saving prediction
Building’s total energy cost
7 months
ROI (*incl. all remedial works)
Client Testimonial
Lightfi has been through detailed IPMVP assessments to evidence the savings they have achieved for us. A 6 month ROI has been fantastic. I love the product.
Quinten Babcock, Environmental Manager, Transport for London
The Building
Newly completed in 2017
250,000 square feet office, with 10 floors
5 core AHUs feeding all floors.
Trend 963 BMS
Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) system
2,433 workstations
Passive Chilled Beams
District heating and cooling supply
Floor CAV dampers with modulating actuators
The Objective
Reduce emissions
in-line with UKGBC ‘Paris Proof’ targets by 2050
As part of the emission reduction targets, Transport for London is improving the energy efficiency of their real estate portfolio. This project focuses on reducing running costs, wasted energy and carbon footprint, without compromising on comfort for occupiers.
LightFi worked closely with the TfL’s team and BGES Group to deliver Demand Control Ventilation and BMS optimisation at 5 Endeavour Square, to increase the building’s energy efficiency and operational performance.
To deliver Demand Control Ventilation, LightFi’s BASE Pro sensors were installed, that measure accurate 0-100% occupancy levels in real-time from each floor zone. These signals are fed into the BMS via BACnet/IP and commissioned to control the local ventilation dampers (CAVs) on a 10-100% basis (acting as VAVs). The team designed the control strategy to include all psychrometric (temperature and humidity) conditions necessary for correct operation of Passive Chilled Beams.